About Us

Company Profile

Established in the year 2015, "Ideal Handi Crafts" is a distinguished Manufacturer of a wide array of Chain Mails, Roman Helmet, Face Shields, Medieval Armors, etc. Our range is available in various sizes, and specifications as per the client’s requirements. We have successfully created a niche in the market in last few times by bringing forth a matchless range of products. We work as a team in understanding the need of the customers, keeping each other’s business interest intact so that we could deliver products at the right time and at the most competitive rates.

With our visionary ideas and zeal to strive for a remarkable position, have become a name which is distinguished for offering a gamut of innovative products. Owing to his excellent management skills, in-depth knowledge and vast experience of this domain, we have been able to cater to the precise needs of our valuable customers in the most efficient manner. We maintain teamwork, value each person’s participation and help to gain customer’s confidence by giving customized solutions with the host of products. The range given by us is procured from the accredited vendors of the industry.

Quality Policy / Processes

With quality as our main concern, we perform various stringent tests to maintain the quality of the products at all levels. The quality controllers are assigned the task of testing the sourced products for durability, polishing, and other related factors.

Team / Manpower

The managerial staff along with other team members of the company is behind the sky scrapping success of the company. They have succeeded in attaining complete customer satisfaction with their collective and diligent efforts. Besides, they provide all the products as per the client’s specifications.

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